Erased / Izbrisani
The Erased (Slovene: Izbrisani) is the name used in the media for a group of people in Slovenia that remained without a legal status after the declaration of the country's independence in 1991.
The “erased” were mainly people from other former Yugoslav republics, who had been living in Slovenia. They are mostly of non-Slovene or mixed ethnicity, and they include a significant number of members of Romani communities.
Some of those affected by the “erasure” included former Yugoslav People's Army officers who did not apply for or were refused Slovenian citizenship, often on the grounds that they participated in the war against Slovenia or were otherwise deemed disloyal to Slovenia.
Some of the “erased” were born in Slovenia but, on the basis of the republican citizenship and birthplace of their parents, had remained SFRY citizens of other Yugoslav republics. Others had moved to Slovenia from other parts of Yugoslavia before the country’s dissolution, and remained there after 1991.
Na Gallusovem nabrežju v Ljubljani bo od 25. februarja 2022 na ogled serija portretov, ki jih je ustvaril Borut Krajnc. Opremljeni bodo s citati in kratkim orisom zgodb portretiranih, ki smo jih zbrali v slovenski Amnesty. Toplo se zahvaljujemo vsem izbrisanim, ki so se odzvali na vabilo in nam zaupali svoje zgodbe, četudi je to pomenilo tudi obujanje bolečih spominov.
Izbris je zaznamoval življenja izbrisanih in njihovih bližnjih. Po prvi veliki krivici samega izbrisa so sledile številne druge, povezane s tem, da so na papirju nehali obstajati. Kljub tem udarcem se niso vdali, borili so se za svoje nezakonito odvzete pravice, se povezovali z drugimi in – z besedami Irfana Beširevića – »Delali proteste in ulica je bila naš glasnik.«
The “erased” were mainly people from other former Yugoslav republics, who had been living in Slovenia. They are mostly of non-Slovene or mixed ethnicity, and they include a significant number of members of Romani communities.
Some of those affected by the “erasure” included former Yugoslav People's Army officers who did not apply for or were refused Slovenian citizenship, often on the grounds that they participated in the war against Slovenia or were otherwise deemed disloyal to Slovenia.
Some of the “erased” were born in Slovenia but, on the basis of the republican citizenship and birthplace of their parents, had remained SFRY citizens of other Yugoslav republics. Others had moved to Slovenia from other parts of Yugoslavia before the country’s dissolution, and remained there after 1991.
Na Gallusovem nabrežju v Ljubljani bo od 25. februarja 2022 na ogled serija portretov, ki jih je ustvaril Borut Krajnc. Opremljeni bodo s citati in kratkim orisom zgodb portretiranih, ki smo jih zbrali v slovenski Amnesty. Toplo se zahvaljujemo vsem izbrisanim, ki so se odzvali na vabilo in nam zaupali svoje zgodbe, četudi je to pomenilo tudi obujanje bolečih spominov.
Izbris je zaznamoval življenja izbrisanih in njihovih bližnjih. Po prvi veliki krivici samega izbrisa so sledile številne druge, povezane s tem, da so na papirju nehali obstajati. Kljub tem udarcem se niso vdali, borili so se za svoje nezakonito odvzete pravice, se povezovali z drugimi in – z besedami Irfana Beširevića – »Delali proteste in ulica je bila naš glasnik.«