Coronazoic portraits

Portreti v dobi koronazoika prikazujejo naš vsakdánjik v času najhujše človekove preizkušnje po 2. svetovni vojni, zato utegnejo postati zgodovinski. Kljub temu, da nam je korona virus porušil naš ritem življenja, kot smo ga poznali še pred letom 2020, vsakdo od nas poskuša na svoj način nadaljevati življenje v svojem mikro okolju, na katerega smo omejeni z uvedbo samoizolacije ali karantene. Vaši portreti so pričevanja te dobe koronazoika!

The portraits of the Coron era depict our everyday lives during the worst human trials since World War II, and may therefore become historic. Although the corona virus has destroyed our rhythm of life as we knew it before 2020, each one of us tries in our own way to continue life in our micro environment, to which we are limited by introducing self-isolation or quarantine. Your portraits are testimonials of this age of coron era.
Miselni utrinki
v času koronazoika
Alberto Avgustinčič: Dragi virus
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Magda Ida Šmon: Nauki modrecov
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